Luna - The Boss of the new family
Luna was the Second to find us after we lost our world in 2019.
I whole-heartedly believe that she was carried to us on the winds by our guiding lights and precious babies who traveled before...
She was last of the litter - they were eager to remove her from her mother as they wanted to basically get "on with the next litter" (one of those awful places that has multiple cats pregnant all at once or in strings one after the other).
As they worded their advert - she was the runt and "too attached to mum" so needs gone asap. (I won't say what my thoughts are on this!)
We collected her the same day we collected Benny. Luna was from the Bristol area. She was advertised as being 9 weeks old however I couldn't say for certain if this was accurate. She was and to this day (2023) still is very small with short legs / muscle issues.
She in all senses of the words was Chewie re-incarnate. Same expressions, same voice, same habits and all. Only one thing was missing.. her FLOOF tail although she has tried many times to sneeze that back into existance :-D
Gaining a shadow
As Luna and Ben were the first to join us - they were here for the two weeks we had left with Eggy before she sadly passed away
Unlike Benny who was a fraidy-puss and hissed/hid from Eggy who at that point was barely able to move so was in no way a threat.... Luna on the other hand RAN head first to Eggy's side as soon as we brought her home and was her little shadow for the two week period. Her first words were to Eggy and if you didn't see it you wouldn't believe it... but they were very much re-united spirits. Chewie indeed had "come back" in Luna-form to guide her precious Egg to her family over the rainbow bridge.
Will add more soon.
(writing this section at 7.55am Friday March 3rd 2023!)